Thursday, December 27, 2007

Tiempo de pronosticos

Los hay varios y de todos colores. Agrego este de la Revista Wired que nos habla sobre los "Trends that will change your business in 2008 "Yo hubiera puesto MIGHT en vez de WILL pero ellos sabran mas).

En particular me parecio muy interesante que al final del mismo invitan a votar las predicciones e incluso a anadir otras. Dentro de las agregadas y con 53 votos al momento esta la siguiente:

Social responsibility will activate social networks to hold corporations accountable
by Todd Waters
We have realized that societies institutions – government, politicians, etc. – aren’t going to solve World problems so we must do it ourselves. Vertical social networks will create the tools needed to organize and act on our values and beliefs. We will create our own special interest networks to grab power from the lobbyists.
Marketers are seeking to create stronger relationships with us, so leveraging them to champion our causes is where we should start.

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