Thursday, March 6, 2008

Chris Anderson y su modelo de negocios: Gratis

Mucho se habla de los modelos de negocios de la nueva economia. Hoy por hoy quien mejor intenta explicar hacia donde iria la cosa es Chris Anderson con su "The Long Tail"

Chris ahora da un paso mas: Free sera su nuevo libro en el 2009 para lo cual compartio la tesis principal en la ultima edicion de Wired y quedo abierto a la construccion colectiva con todos aquellos que puedan aportar sus ideas al respecto. (lo cual de por si es una buena muestra de del otro concepto actual "Wickinomics".

Hay muchos aspectos economicos que son interesantes y muchos discutibles tambien y el ejercicio resulta apasionante de practicar!!!

Dejo un parrafo del articulo aca:

But free is not quite as simple — or as stupid — as it sounds. Just because products are free doesn't mean that someone, somewhere, isn't making huge gobs of money. Google is the prime example of this. The monetary benefits of craigslist are enormous as well, but they're distributed among its tens of thousands of users rather than funneled straight to Craig Newmark Inc. To follow the money, you have to shift from a basic view of a market as a matching of two parties — buyers and sellers — to a broader sense of an ecosystem with many parties, only some of which exchange cash.
The most common of the economies built around free is the three-party system. Here a third party pays to participate in a market created by a free exchange between the first two parties. Sound complicated? You're probably experiencing it right now. It's the basis of virtually all media.
In the traditional media model, a publisher provides a product free (or nearly free) to consumers, and advertisers pay to ride along. Radio is "free to air," and so is much of television. Likewise, newspaper and magazine publishers don't charge readers anything close to the actual cost of creating, printing, and distributing their products. They're not selling papers and magazines to readers, they're selling readers to advertisers. It's a three-way market.
In a sense, what the Web represents is the extension of the media business model to industries of all sorts. This is not simply the notion that advertising will pay for everything. There are dozens of ways that media companies make money around free content, from selling information about consumers to brand licensing, "value-added" subscriptions, and direct ecommerce (see How-To Wiki for a complete list). Now an entire ecosystem of Web companies is growing up around the same set of models

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